
Real conversations with your students.

"I just got rejected by a girl 😂"

"yeah totally! thanks for your help (:"

"hey thanks im sorry im just being bullied at school and i told the counselor and he's been helping me but it's only getting worse"

"I get bullied a lot"

"Ok I'm scared for my speech in leadership"

"0 - I’m super sad. What do you do if nobody likes you?"

"That's a good thought, everyone has something to contribute, sometimes it's just hard to see my part when others seem to have so much more to contribute than I do, I appreciate your help, this program is a really great idea!"

"I'm stressed with my grades still. Normally I have all A's but I have a C in math that I've been trying to get up but I don't get the unit I missed"

"thank you so much! i will reach out if i need to 🥰"

"The end of the quarter is kinda sucky rn"

"Guess what? I aced my test, 100/100!"

"Thank you so much for listening. Glad I could make your day. I dont feel comfortable talking about this with people. I am just more private of a person I suppose."

"Kind of because I don't know where J belong"

"What do you do if nobody likes you"

"Ok thanks for your help 😀"

"hey, so i have this friend who i don't want to be friends with anymore but i don't know what to do?"

"Why are boys so mean 😭😭Are all boys mean 😢"

"I'll try to gain the courage to talk to someone irl, if not I'll come back to talk to you- it's easy to release over text honestly 😅"

"I love music, thank you! Thank you so much for ur help"

"That's really comforting, thank you!"

"That's a good idea thanks"

"“Thats a good idea! Ive never tried that. Usually each day I just get a 1-2 hour nap...Alright i will definitely have to! Thank you so much”"

"I turned in the test today, wish me luck."

"I want girls to like me"

"My best friend texted me saying she is fed up with me hurting her feelings and being mean, I don't know what I've done and apologized if I've ever done anything not on purpose. She said apparently I did something on purpose and I should know what it is. Now she won't talk to me and I'm still confused. Any advice???"

"Should I get help if I feel anxious most of the time?"

"i'm failing all my classes"

"i have another question. how do you feel good about yourself and things you are good at without seeming self centered?"

"The bullying has been happening for a few weeks and I honestly don't know why. Me and another girl got a note directed towards me called me a f---ing retard and behind my back this kid called me an ugly a--hole. i try not to let it bother me though it's not super important cos (this sounds weird and far fetched ik) likeeeeeee why would he call me ugly unless he thought i have a higher opinion of myself then that, so he prolly knows i couldn't care less about his words like they hurt but i know he's verbally abused at home and i don't put up with it and he can't handle not having the right reactions from me."

"Okay, thank you🤎"